Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Burn Permit

Fire Permits are required for large open air burning in Strong Township only from April 1st to October 31st.  No Burning Permit is required for 2' x 2' fires used for cooking, warmth, and for recreation.  Although no permit is required, fire ratings and rules must be adhered to.  Please review the burning rules, as found on the Township website.  One main point is that no daytime burning is allowed for both recreational and non-recreational fires.  Permits are issued for the burning of clean non-noxious material including paper, wood, limbs, leaves, needles, branches, grass, stumps and clean combustible wood products.

Please note that all permits become suspended if a FIRE BAN or RESTRICTED FIRE ZONE is declared for the Township of Strong. When the Fire Ban or Restricted Fire Zone is lifted, all permits are reinstated and there is no need to reapply.

Enter the Strong Township address where the fire will be located.

Types of Burning Permits:

No Burning Permit is required for 2' x 2' fires used for cooking, warmth, and for recreation.  Although no permit is required, fire ratings and rules must be adhered to.  Please review the burning rules, as found on the Township website.  One main point is that no daytime burning is allowed for both recreational and non-recreational fires.

Non-Recreational Burning Permit is required for 6' x 6' fires used for burning large brush piles.  A Non-Recreational Burning Permit is valid for 7 full days from the date of submission.  Should an application of a permit is denied, the applicant will be contacted and reason of denial will be given and a refund will be arranged.

By applying for this fire permit, you agree to the terms and conditions as set out in this document.  It is your responsibility to know and follow the rules.

ALL permits will become SUSPENDED if a FIRE BAN or RESTRICTED FIRE ZONE is declared in the Township of Strong.


The Permittee shall keep the permit at the site of the burning operation conducted under the permit and shall produce and show the permit to any officer whenever requested by that officer.  Fire Permit may be revoked at the discretion of the Fire Chief or the Deputy Fire Chief.

The fire may be started two hours before sunset, or later, and is to be extinguished two hours after sunrise the following day or earlier.  Daytime burning of fires is NOT permitted.

The amount to be burned at any one time shall not exceed 1 pile unless otherwise approved by the Fire Chief or Deputy Fire Chief and shall locate the fire 10 metres (30 ft) away from any woodlands or flammable material. Brush and debris shall be a single pile less than 2 metres in diameter and less than 2 metres high (6 feet x 6 feet).

The Permitee shall have at the location of the fire at least one responsible person and firefighting equipment in serviceable condition including 20 litres (5 gallons) of water in a container or a garden hose connected to a water source and capable of reaching the fire site and one shovel. 

The Permittee must ensure that the smoke from the burning operation does not interfere with the movement of vehicular traffic or any other person and will not burn when winds are greater than 20 kilometers per hour.

Escaped, unattended or fires not meeting permit requirements are subject to a Provincial Offences Act Fine and payment of suppression costs to the Fire Department.

The permit can be cancelled at any time by the Fire Chief or Deputy Fire Chief.

This permit does not cover any requirements under the Environment Protection Act. Nothing in the permit eliminates the need to comply with any applicable municipal, provincial or federal legislation.

The municipality will not be held responsible for conditions that may cause the blowing of smoke and/or sparks or the irresponsible actions of the permit holder.


By entering my name in the box above, I have read, understood and agree to the terms and conditions as set out in this fire permit.